Co-Marketing Partners

Credit Card Product Differentiation
Mex Logistic in conjunction with SkyShop Logistics Inc., has co-marketing programs with many well known banks and financial institutions.

We offer banks and credit card issuers the capability to:

    1. Add a well regarded and valued benefit to its credit card products by offering a bank branded US/UK Shopping Facilitator Service.
    2. Differentiate their credit card products from other competitors.
    3. Increase customer spend levels.
    4. Increase transaction and international currency fees for the bank partner.
    5. Segment and differentiate customer card levels i.e. Premium, Gold or basic.
    6. Offer seasonal promotional events and special merchandise discounts.
Branded International Shopping Mall

For interested partners, we can set up an international shopping Mall branded under the bank’s name with their look and feel. The shopping mall will permit the bank to greatly increase card customer spend levels while offering a true value added service. The Mall provides the customer with the ability to shop at over 200,000 merchants in the USA in their local language with total landed cost translated into the customer’s local currency.

Marketing Assistance – Promotion of Branded Cross Border Shopping Facilitator

We will work with the bank in developing a marketing program consisting of email messages, links on bank’s web site, banner messages, direct marketing and statement inserts/messages among other channels.

Monthly Customer Activity Reports

We will generate monthly customer metrics reports indicating credit card customer’s shopping behavior and results by marketing initiative.
If you have any questions regarding our products, you can contact us by calling or e-mail us on info@globebox.net  and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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